Tuesday, October 05, 2004

I just lost a huge music blog.
Sheeyat. It was a good one. Fackin bullchet.
Anyways, here's a quote I tied in nicely that will seem weak now.
Still a good quote from a smart friend:
'So we went to the park by the river and talked for a bit. While we were there we saw some teenagers who appeared to be staff from Hope Valley Christian Day Camp. Boy were they weird!!! They were an otherwise normal group of teenagers sitting in a perfect circle (with no leader telling them they had to...) talking about bible verses and singing Christian songs. I think it may be possible that Ned Flanders runs that camp...(two of the teens looked like grown up versions of Rod and Tod). What is it that has turned Christianity from a revolutionary movement into impotent and weird groups like our group at the park? They're teenagers, for crying out loud! They should be leaning on each other, and whispering and talking about Simpson's and Dave Matthews and body parts, or maybe talking about God; but not in a circle, they should more closely resemble a swarm. And the boys should be sacking each other. It appears that even at camp, Christians can suck spirit out of our youth.'
-T. Stelmach, '04

Be sure to check out the man if you can.

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