Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Omniscient Reminiscing Deficiency

This week is going to be a humdinger. I'm working overtime everyday
and possibly over OVER time a few times, to rack up some hours, bank
some coin and pay down my credit card, for once and for all. I really hate
that I am a slave to money but it could be worse - I could be a slave to
Campus Crusade or 700 Huntley Street - I'll take money.

This past weekend was a little whirlwind-ish in essence as Sarah and I
hit up three towns (Cobourg, Westport/Godfrey, Ottawa and then back
to Cobourg) all in the span of 72 hours. Sarah had a decent time girlin' it
up with Katie for a bachelorette party but came out with the realization
of 'clubbing just doesn't appeal to me anymore'. I tend to agree with my
dear girl on this point. I had the chance to do a little solo-driving, which
was mind-clearing and spiritual, and visit Todd for a short time as I was
a stone's throw away from Iawah so I figured I'd make the trek. What
was a bonus about this visit, aside from the awesomely deep and
enlightening talk with Toddley, which is always a welcome and
rejeuvenating feature in my life, was a surprise visit from the Charnman.
Wow. That's all I have to say. Well...I guess I have more to say, really.
I had not seen the enigma that is Charn in probably...four years or so
and in doing so, I realized how he is someone I could sit and listen to
for hours on end about a great many topics. It was great to hear the
doc wax intellectual about life, medicine, medical tv dramas AND zebra
mussels. Apparently, Wolfe Lake (of Camp Iawah) is now infected with
these suckers and is generally being considered a promoter of the 'STD
of Ontario Lakes' and is being seen as 'too promiscuous with the number
of boats it lets in'.

Funny. I also got a chance to just chill with Steve and Joel of Ottawa fame
and wouldn't ya know it, I got my bro to tag along as well (such photo
evidence of which can be seen below)

and spend some time with the 'rents. I felt a little awkward getting my dad
to drive me and my brother to our friend's house (ahem) but the best
part was stopping at the beer store ON THE WAY and my dad asking me
to pick some up for HIM! Ah, the strange nuances of growing older.
Back to the grind for another week. Excuse the cheese here- God, thanks
for good visits with good friends. Thanks for a great drive where I got to
remember that I truly have nothing to fear with You. Thanks for forgiving
me. Help me not to let my thoughts run rampant away from me and talk
myself out of over-anxious moments. You have never left me, and you
want the best life for us all, and for that, I am speechless and grateful.

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