Monday, January 15, 2007

Extra Peanutty Pad Thai Sauce, Coffee and Super Mario

I didn't have diarrhea. I just wanted to use that as the subject line
so as to draw you in and spit you out like the bitter reader you are!
So I beat Mario again for the first time in probably well over a decade.
It wasn't as epiphanal as I had remembered. I just warped to
world 3-1 and stomped on the stupid 'turtle-duck' thing multiple
times as a means of stockpiling free men. It took me a while but really,
I remembered world 8-4 as being this monumental zenith of a
challenge and the other was depressingly anti-climactic. You
run under a hammer-throwing dragon and let the bridge down and
then the ungrateful princess tells you that you basically have to play
the game all over again. WTF! I digress.

You see, one of the reasons I got into blogging is because I thought
it would help me record my thoughts on a more constant basis. I used
to journal - I think my last journal entry is from June 8th and it probably
starts with a paraphrasing of 'man, I SUCK at journaling! I'm such
a SLACKER!'. Funny.

Things are happening all the time - quite a profound statement, I know.
I'm deep like that. Deep like...watery depths...of deepness. I made a
kickass extra chunky peanut sauce for some pad thai last week and
I am still polishing off the remains. It's spicy and good and full of protein.
(And now, after having read what I just wrote, I think I am going to
drink copious amounts of whiskey to see if I could possibly get any
'dumber' than I sound. It's a good thing I hate whiskey.)

Seriously though...I'm continuously amazed and flabbergasted by the
journey of this life. One truly never knows where a road will lead until
it is travelled upon. There is one possible road that may lead me to a
totally different lifestyle starting in September but I don't want to
disclose too much about it in the case of key attributes not materializing
(and me building things up too much in my head).

I put up a new Matt Mays review at 'the hits'
( AND I got published as a
review writer at The Burnside Writers Collective - a place where
Donald Miller and many other authors write about a number of social
and critical subjects. You can go to and
find the 'Amy Millan' music review or just link right the url of the review

Cool Factoid:
One of the writers for Burnside is named Susan Isaacs and upon seeing
her picture, I knew she looked familiar. After reading her bio, I found out
that she is a long time professional actor and was actually John Candy's
wife in 'Planes, Trains and Automobiles' (not actually as an actor in the
film but in a picture he carries around as his deceased wife that is seen
many times throughout the movie) and she actually read my review blog
and left little old me a comment! Weird, man. Just weird. I have
watched that movie so many times that it has nearly become a part of my
sub-conscious and now someone from THAT movie has made contact with

Anyways, that's all for now. Check out my myspace for tour updates
and cities being played near you. Missing you all so, so dearly.

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