Thursday, December 18, 2008


Why do we sometimes feel like we don't belong somewhere that
is actually our community and home? Why do we get sudden
impulses to leave everything behind? Why do we want to go
'Kerouac' on everyone? What is so appealing about the open
road as opposed to a stable home of love and acceptance?

A lot of things just bother me tonight. I don't even know if I
could fully formulate as to why I feel the way I do - I just do.
It nags at the corners of my mind - an approaching black
storm cloud in the distant sunny sky.

I need to uncork and unwind. I need to get back into running.
I need to do things that I love to do - not just what I am forced
to do. I'm looking forward to a break. I'm looking forward to
family, friends, cards, beer, running, walking, eating, and
spending time with my lover.

Oh yeah...and Christmas is a week away. Frig.

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