Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sneaking One In

Dan Larocque. When will you unleash the creative forces
from within you? I hope that on that day, when the planets 
align in sonic glory, that I will still be your amigo. I hope
to play poker with you soon and enjoy your company.
Where is this picture from, anyways? 

Landon was sitting beside me, making weird faces. Sunday 
night is community night for the Village People. Sundays are 
insane for me. But in many ways, I look forward to the 
experience of connecting with a variety of people all at once. 
There was a good turnout of very different people there
tonight. Kathleen did a great job of putting together an
idea that drew out more ideas.

I almost forgot to blog today. Will I be able to do it every day 
of this year? I don't know. It's a tough call. No one can say 
for sure. I guess we'll have to cross our fingers and hold 
our breath. 

So this blogdrive almost died 19 days into the 365. That 
would have been really sad.

Adam hasn't been at the bar in a while. Next saturday, I'll be
in Montreal. I don't want Monday to be here yet. I'm not
really upset that Willis Magahee is injured. Will Graven
ever go anywhere or forever remain a side project? Does
anyone care about the homeless? Do churches still try to
look nice for any particular reason? I've eaten way too
much meat in the last few days. I need to remember to take
out the garbage tomorrow. 

Joy. One word. One syllable. 

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