Thursday, February 05, 2009

I Took The Dartmouth Ferry Into The Town...
For some reason, even though it is nowhere near my favourite
Plaskett song, that song (Nowhere With You) gets stuck in
my head for weeks, even if I only a hear a trace of it somewhere.
The ability to write a catchy song is a craft that I have not
yet mastered. Sure - we get all pissed and music-snobacious
when a song is not 'original' or 'truth-holding' but making
a song into a catchy refrain that claws its way into your
cerebrum is a gift that only few possess.

Today was a decent day. I actually had some leftover time at
my job to go and do a few guerilla recordings with Dean.
Will those recordings ever be released publicly? Probably
not but it was nice to know that I can still play drums, bass,
guitars and vocals and record all of those aspects of a whole
song in just over an hour per song. That's the skill. That's
the game.

The sun is dropping down. It is 4:39 pm. Thursday has
been alright.

And that's alright with me.

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