Sunday, March 15, 2009

Management Speak
The above is a pic I pulled off google images. I typed in the
search field 'annoying managers'. Why must we let ordinary
life be filled with this sort of management-speak? It never
accomplishes anything and is always devoid of progress or
movement forward.

The flagging system is pretty hilarious. If you've never
been exposed to this sort of lingo, flags are a way to show
someone to use caution without actually saying the phrase
'please be careful' or 'you might want to have some caution
there'. Instead, you can give someone a 'yellow flag' which
means 'be careful' without actually saying the direct words.
Or, if they're really a bad person, you give them a 'red
flag' which basically means 'stop'.

I was recently in a conversation where a person said they
wanted to wave a 'yellow flag' as I should be careful in
what I'm doing within a specific situation. Even though
the rest of the conversation was really beneficial and
positive, that statement made me feel pretty inhumane
and almost robotic. I think this is because of my exposure
to horrible management practices during my 3 year period
at the call centre.

Management in North America within mid-level
companies is often a crap-shoot. Companies invent their
own bibles of lingo or get 'world-famous' managers to
send them documentation and power-point presentations
about how to be better managers when, in actuality,
everyone in management is just sort of making things
up as they go along...kinda like a choose-your-own-

Bunk. Just a thought.

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