Monday, March 30, 2009

This Month Is Shite

I barely remember much of Trainspotting, now. I saw it a long time
ago. One line that sticks out in my memory, though, is a scene where
Ewan McGregor shouts 'It's SHITE being SCOTTISH!' in the middle
of a massive field. It's sort of his protest to the world for the lot
that has been given to him.

That kinda sums up how I feel today.

I just want March to be OVER. PLEASE!! How much more do I have
to take? Not only did I give up beer, but I also came down with some
sort of cold/flu/nasty/hack/wheeze bug that has stayed with me for
a while. I can tell it's almost over but it's been nearly 2 weeks, now.
Come ON! Sometimes, I wish I could take a lungbrush and clean
out my insides with some peroxide or some strong chemical. Sure,
I might get sicker to the point of being septic, but at least I would
be phlegm-less.

On my way to work today (after waking up and feeling fine), I had
this eery feeling of being sweaty and dizzy at the same time. I
promptly came home and spent the rest of the day (until now)
in bed. I guess my frustration comes from spending most of my
life un-sick. I am a fairly healthy individual and so when I lose
control of my inner-workings, I get irritated and anguish-ridden
easily. I have a pretty good immune system but viruses have to
work their way out of you. On their time. It's a waiting game.

Great. Grand. Wonderful.

I scream from my phlegm-filled nodules to the skies above and
fall down prostrate in dizzy surrender.

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