Sunday, January 17, 2010

Hangin' Up The Spurs For A Time
Sometimes, the sting of a loss is exactly what we need to learn from as
human beings. Our society is so prize-oriented; do really well so you can
beat everyone else and win. What our school systems and employment
practices haven't taught well is that losing is necessary.

The Cowboys got smoked today by a much better Vikings team - but
that's life. Unfortunately, North America is not interested in viewing
the big picture. We want the short term gain. We micro-manage. We
want to 'get rich quick' with MLM's.

I'm tired of it all.

Lose - and then lose again. It's good for you.

I am now plunging into thoughts of another week. A little while ago,
I had a weird allergic reaction to something (which I've tried to trace
back but can't recall). My face turned beet red and my body had
patches of hives all over it. I don't know what caused it and it's
happened twice (the first time without hives). Needless to say, I'm
not really thrilled about spending more time in my apartment
where it happened both times.

Time to clean.

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