Monday, January 31, 2011

Blow It Off

Sometimes, I just don't want to do the work. I don't. And I don't care
what people think of me. I just won't put in the time necessary to
complete a task. In fact, with booking bands, it's become such an
unrewarding endavour that I find I'd rather get a deposit from a band
and then go through the hassle of refunding them down the line -
because I just don't care enough about the whole scene.

Today, I played a lot of Scrabble online against my friend Caleb. He
is a very challenging partner and always finds a way to screw me
over at the very end. After that game ended in a flurry of triple word
scores, I played some NHL 97 on my Sega. The thought of exercise
or going outside in -26 seemed excruciating. I then ate dinner for
free at the school cafeteria and went on a house outing (me, Sarah
and 20 screaming high school girls) to see Barney's Version. It was
a great film with a lot of tie-ins to Canada (half of it happens in Mount
Orford, Quebec and Montreal) and Paul Giamatti gave a tour-de-
force performance (if you can suspend your disbelief due to the
fact that the hot women that go for him in the movie would never
do so in real life). Dustin Hoffman was also incredible. Mordecai
Richler was a smart man.

Bussed home on the 401 with the girls. Played some more scrabble.

On the cold, crusty highway, I stared way east - and thought about

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