Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Downs

Yesterday, I was in a place of abandon. No ship. No anchor. No
compass. Just floating. I felt out of touch with everyone and
every thing. Maybe it was because it was day 1 of my anti-coffee
kick, but I'm not sure. I just felt off. I felt suffocated almost by
the everwhite surroundings of winter and a tiny apartment.

Last year, we were spoiled in this region (and through a lot of
Ontario) by the ultimate lack of winter. Muddy patches of soil and
grass pushed up through thin snow blankets - reminding us of
the ever-charging spring. Right now, though, there seems to
be no spring in sight. Everything felt like a chore.

We go through all of this for a reason. We have waves so that we
appreciate still waters.

It would just be nice to have some still water very soon.

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