Saturday, June 04, 2011

The Entrance Of June

Somewhere along the way, June showed up. I'm not quite sure how
we went from a dismal end of February to where we are now, but
here we are. Living. Breathing. Surviving.

The summer brings with it a tinge of hopefulness. Promise. Long
days. Mosquito buzzing. Outdoor sports. Water. Sun.

Lots of sun.

June has been a month of Vitamin D so far. It's always encouraging
to wake up to a bright window with a deep blue coating lining the
frame. This year has been an interesting one. At times, I've been on
the highest mountaintop of experience, and minutes later, at the lowest
moraine of the valley. I really don't know what the answer is.

Obviously, I'm searching...but I'm not sure what I'm searching for...

When I find out, I'll let ya know.

Get outside, kids.

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