Wednesday, May 08, 2013


It's been nice to be near the ocean again. I probably should have spent more time on the shores of the great Atlantic, but it's still pretty nippy out here. May is not exactly 'prime' season.

In the city, though, the heat is on and the sun is out in full hang. Its heat and vitamin D has made me happy, tired, and connected all in the same breath.

Although we try to run off and get away from the hustle and the bustle of dragging life, we can never get shut of it.

Everything we have gone through and everything we will ever be is brewed together into one thick and meaty stew of survival.

One of the best quotes I heard about survival lately came from Bryan Callen's podcast when he had Steve-O (of Jackass fame) on the show. He was asking Steve-O about his daredevil style of living and ability to throw himself into dangerous situations. Steve-O, who is mostly known for being a public stuntman, showed some serious depth in his mind-melting response (paraphrased):

"When I was very young, I realized that in life, the only common thread between humans is that we all want to survive. But the only guarantee we have is that we won't."

There are no guarantees of anything in this life. The people we have come to love and trust can end up being distanced souls.

We do what we do to ourselves and no one else.

There has to be some sort of hope - a root that connects all of us. Family. Faith. Value. A base that you come back to.

Even though that may differ, it has to be there.

A truly unrooted soul is a troubled one.

It's been nice to work out some tunes, play guitar, bass and drums, and see some old and new friends. On days where I had nothing to do and no one to meet, I'd sleep. Or I'd go for a walk. Or I'd get lost in my thoughts.

But as much as I love it out here, I'm getting tired, now, and I'm nearly ready to make the long trek home.

For those who take you in, despite your misery, your darkness or your selfishness, are truly your family.

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